2020 Leadership Class Spotlight: Conor Brennan

Name: Conor Brennan

Company Name: JLL

Current position/Industry Specialty: Vice President- Tenant Representation

Years in the industry: 6

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Most satisfying part of your job: Knowing that everyday can be completely different than the last. Being on the forefront of the growth of Charlotte is exciting to be a part of.

Last book you read or movie you’ve seen: The Joker

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with a beach or somewhere overseas.

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Crunkleton

Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy being able to go home and snowboard. I also enjoy weekend getaways to Asheville, and visiting the latest and greatest that Charlotte has to offer.

One thing on your bucket list: Oktoberfest in Munich.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? Will Smith. He is hilarious and always seems to remain positive and keep an optimistic outlook on life.

What you like best about CRCBR: I have been on the CRCBR Program Committee for a few years now and have enjoyed implementing different ideas to make the CRCBR events more enjoyable and more attended.

What else should we know about you: I swam at NC State and was the captain of the team in 2011-2012.


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