Leadership Class Member Spotlight: Jackson Williams

Name: Jackson Williams

Company Name: MPV Properties

Current position/Industry Specialty: Investment Sales

Years in the industry: 3 Years

Hometown: Greensboro, NC

Most satisfying part of your job: Meeting new people and helping with their real estate portfolio.

Last book you read or movie you’ve seen: Am I Being Too Subtle? (Sam Zell)

Favorite vacation spot: Beach

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Yafo

Hobbies/Interests: UNC Athletics; the Panthers

One thing on your bucket list: Going to the World Cup.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Dean Smith

What you like best about CRCBR: Seeing other brokers at the events and learning more about what they are currently working on.

What else should we know about you: My older brother, Dillard Williams, is also a CRCBR member.

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