Leadership Class Member Spotlight: Benjamin E. Bivens

Name: Benjamin E. Bivens

Company Name: MedSouth Healthcare Properties LLC

Current position/Industry Specialty: Managing Partner – Healthcare Real Estate

Years in the industry: 16

Hometown: Dillsburg, PA

Most satisfying part of your job: Coaching and encouraging people and seeing them succeed

Last book(s) you read: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Millionaire Booklet by Grant Cardone

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere in the Caribbean

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Heirloom

Hobbies/Interests: Coaching Youth Sports, Outdoor Activities, Golf, 4×4 Trucks

One thing on your bucket list: I’d love to train and participate in an MMA sparring session

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? I would have lunch with my Grandfather, Samuel Tornatore, and this time I’d remember to bring my wallet…  When I was 10 years old or so I proclaimed that I was taking him and my Grandmother out to lunch and would proudly pay for it with my own hard earned money.  They took me up on it but I forgot my wallet and my Grandfather never let me forget about it.

What you like best about CRCBR: The thing I like the best about CRCBR is the people and supportive network of the staff and members involved.  We always seem to have an outlook of “How are you doing” and a genuine interest in seeing others succeed.

What else should we know about you: I graduated college with a BFA in Furniture Design from Savannah College of Art and Design.  I caught the real estate bug in early 2000 and had the itch because of family involvement growing up so it was a natural career path.  My wife and I lived in the Washington DC metro when 9-11 happened as well as the DC sniper.  We moved to Charlotte in the summer of 2006 where I joined Marcus and Millichap.  I started in multi-family then formed a team focused on retail, eventually burning the ships and going all in on healthcare real estate starting in late 2009.  My wife and I have been married for 16 years this May 2019 and we have three children ages 13 (oldest son), 9 (middle son) and 6 (baby girl going on 16).  Our family saying is “Never a dull moment….”!

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