Leadership Class Member Spotlight: Elise Falls (Bainbridge)

CRCBR’s Leadership Class offers an exclusive opportunity for members to become successful and build relationships with the goal of becoming future leaders of our organization and the commercial real estate industry. This year’s class is made of up eight participants. Here’s a little about one of them, Elise Falls (Bainbridge).

Name: Elise Falls

Company Name: Childress Klein

Current position/Industry Specialty: Industrial Leasing

Years in the industry: 2.5 years

Hometown: Orchard Park, NY/Charlotte, NC

Most satisfying part of your job: Meeting prospects and tenants to learn about their businesses.

Last book you read or movie you’ve seen: Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews.

Favorite vacation spot: Miami, the people watching is amazing.

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Moosehead, because I am a wing connoisseur.

Hobbies/Interests: Snowboarding, yoga, and going anywhere that has live music.

One thing on your bucket list: African Safari.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Damien Hirst, I am a huge fan of his work.

What you like best about CRCBR: Getting to meet and greet with all the brokers!

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