Leadership Class Member Spotlight: Stephanie Spivey

CRCBR’s Leadership Class offers an exclusive opportunity for members to become successful and build relationships with the goal of becoming future leaders of our organization and the commercial real estate industry. This year’s class is made of up eight participants. Here’s a little about one of them, Stephanie Spivey.

Name: Stephanie Spivey

Company Name: CBRE

Current position/Industry Specialty: Associate – Office Agency Leasing

Years in the industry: Five

Hometown: Bailey, NC

Most satisfying part of your job: Interacting with clients & prospects, and building relationships within the brokerage community.

Last book you read or movie you’ve seen: Inception (for the second time…  still seeking answers)

Favorite vacation spot: Charleston, SC

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Haberdish in-town / Kindred within driving distance (milk bread anyone?)

Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, social events, being outdoors, movie obsessed, shopping/styling

One thing on your bucket list: Experience the northern lights in person.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? Beyoncé – enough said.

What you like best about CRCBR: I love the connectivity it brings to the commercial real estate community across all service lines.

What else should we know about you: I am an eternal optimist, I get easily excited (my squeals can be heard by dogs from miles away), am animal obsessed (minus reptiles), and love fishing.

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