Leadership Class Member Spotlight: Matt Treble

CRCBR’s Leadership Class offers an exclusive opportunity for members to become successful and build relationships with the goal of becoming future leaders of our organization and the commercial real estate industry. This year’s class is made of up eight participants. Here’s a little about one of them, Matt Treble.

Name: Matt Treble

Company Name: Cushman & Wakefield

Current position/Industry Specialty: Industrial Brokerage

Years in the industry: 6

Hometown: I have moved around a bunch so Charlotte, NC is my adopted hometown.

Most satisfying part of your job: The relationships I have been able to establish with clients, colleagues and competitors.

Last book you read or movie you’ve seen: MudBound

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere I can spend time with my wife and 3 sons is my ideal vacation spot.  If it is on a beach with some beers, that is also nice.

Favorite restaurant in Charlotte: Del Frisco’s

Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy working out, spending time with my wife, sons and dog, traveling and I am a huge Wisconsin Badgers fan.

One thing on your bucket list: I want to take my sons to a University of Wisconsin Football game.

If you could have lunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? Abraham Lincoln.  I would tell him to watch his six and also let him know that there is a strange gentlemen that walks through the bars in Nashville and looks just like him.  I want to confirm it isn’t honest Abe himself.

What you like best about CRCBR: I love how tight the Charlotte Commercial Real Estate industry is and how everyone works together for the betterment of our industry and region.

What else should we know about you: I rode a moped while in college. I have a great life, but that was my pinnacle.

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